The corona virus has became a very real epidemic in the UK but the panic buying has gotten out of control with people actually arguing and fighting in the shops over toilet rolls and hand wash and sanitisers and more importantly filling my Facebook timeline about it, is there nothing else going on in the world. Even the jokes are boring now, well OK I've laughed at a few of them.
I've always used hand sanitiser as I work in a call center where germs are easily transferred from the keyboards. Recently I've started getting the scented carex ones. (this was before the corona outbreak)
I love how they leave my hands smelling nice and feel soft. The thing I don't like is how overwhelming the scent is at first when it's still wet, they smell like very strong shots of alcohol so not easy to use with a hangover, you have been warned 😂😂
My 9 year old daughter has always loved hand saniters too and this is one of her favourites. It makes it easy to bring to school attached to her bag which helps it not getting lost. You have no idea the amount of tubes of sanitisers that she has lost, between jumpers, sanitisers and lip balms I'm spending a small fortune in replacements!
So many places are selling washes and wipes for crazy prices now, these are still £6.49 at the time of tying but similar are almost £20! The wipes are good to hand out to people, personally prefer the gels though.
I hope everyone reading this is safe and healthy, no matter about this virus, obviously be more vigilant in hand washing but don't spend money you don't have on toiletries that you aren't in need of. This will all blow over soon enough.
I'll leave you with this, £199.99 for 30 rolls of toilet paper!! The world's gone mad.
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